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Your #1 Online Farmer's Market in Zimbabwe

Home: Welcome


FarmLink is an agri-tech platform in Zimbabwe that directly connects farmerswith consumers, offering fresh, locally sourced produce at fair prices. By eliminating intermediaries, FarmLink ensures farmers receive fair compensationwhile providing consumers with easy access to fresh produce. 


Our primary target market includes Small to medium-sized farmers who seek better market access and fair pricing.
We also target health-conscious consumers who prioritize fresh, locally sourced produce and who wants to know farming practices done by farmers. This includes urban and suburban residents, families, and individuals interested in sustainable and organic food options.
Additionally, we cater to businesses such as local restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores that prefer to source ingredients directly from farmers.
Our market spans various demographics, with a focus on tech-savvy users who are comfortable with online shopping but will try by all means for non tech- savvy individuals to be able to use the platform.



FarmLink's unique value proposition lies in its ability to create a seamless, transparent, and efficient marketplace that directly connects farmers with consumers.
Unlike traditional food supply chains, FarmLink eliminates intermediaries, ensuring that farmers receive fair prices for their produce while consumers benefit from fresh, high-quality products at competitive prices. Our platform will be designed with user-friendliness in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces for both farmers and consumers.
our advanced analytics and marketing tools empower farmers to optimize their operations and reach a broader audience.
FarmLink stands out from competitors by offering a comprehensive solution that addresses both the economic and environmental aspects of food distribution, fostering a community-focused approach to agriculture.

Organic Farmer's Market


FarmLink will operate on a commission-based business model.
Farmers list their products on our platform for a small fee, and we take a commission on each sale made through FarmLink.
Additionally, we offer premium subscription plans for farmers who want enhanced features such as advanced analytics, marketing tools, and priority listing.
For consumers, we provide membership options that offer benefits like free delivery, exclusive discounts. Revenue is also generated through strategic partnerships and advertising opportunities on the platform.

Inside Greenhouse
Home: Our Approach


Outstanding Quality

FarmLink is an online platform that connects farmers directly with consumers  enabling consumers to purchase fresh, locally sourced produce while supporting local agriculture and empowering farmers.

Home: Feature
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